IX Seminar of Environmental Documentation Centers and Protected Natural Areas

  • Names

    Naturgune Babestu Eta Ingurumeneko Dokumentazio-Zentroen IX Mintegia
    IX Seminario de Centros de Documentación Ambiental e Espazos Naturais Protexidos
    IX Seminari de Centres de Documentació Ambiental i D'Espais Naturals Protegits

  • Place and dates

    CIECEM-University of Huelva, Dunar Park, Matalascañas - Almonte (Huelva), from 12nd to 14th May 2010

  • Coordination

    Rosario Toril. Documentary Center from CENEAM.
    Montserrat Grabolosa. Natural park Zona Volcánica de Garrotxa. Generalitat of Catalonia.
    Laura Núñez y Félix Sosa. International Center of Studies and Ecologic and Environmental Conventions (CIECEM)-University of Huelva.

  • Introduction

    Thanks to International Center of Studies and Ecologic and Environmental Conventions (CIECEM)-University of Huelva, this year 's edition has been celebrated in Matalascañas, Huelva. There, 40 people from 15 different Autonomous Communities have participated between them belongs National Park Atlantic Islands from Galicia.

    Some sections have been grabbed by a technician from Universidad of Huelva, to edit a DVD which also gets the documents provided to the Seminar. They will also publish in Canal Temático de la UCM, RTVDoc and make the links to the requested websites.

  • Seminar development

    Wednesday 12nd May 2010


    • Manuel José de Lara. Vicedirector of University Extension. University of Huelva.
    • José Prenda. President of CIECEM- University of Huelva.

    New participant´s presentation:

    • Víctor Benlloch. Environmental Education Center from Valencia Community
    • Ascensión Bolea. Center for Agrifood Research and Technology of Aragon
    • Fuensanta González. Murcian Institute for Agrarian and Food Research and Development
    • Elena Gordillo. National Park Atlantic Islands from Galicia
    • Marta Miralles. Documentary Center from Park Montnegre i el Corredor
    • Elena Morato. State Meteorological Agency

    Experiences presentation:

    • Biblioteca virtual de medio ambiente en Castilla y León. Reyes Ovelleiro. Regional Government from Castilla y León
    • Businesses with the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism: possibilities for the dissemination of entities on the Internet. Javier Puertas. Europarc Spain
    • An open door to the parks of Catalonia. Marta Moratonas. Generalitat of Catalonia
    • CitaREA: Agri-food electronic repository of Center for Agrifood Research and Technology of Aragon. Ascensión Bolea Marcén

    Thursday 13rd May 2010

    Continuation of communications:

    Presentations and workshops:

    • Active workshop: Build your blog with WordPress. Jesús Tramullas. University of Zaragoza.
    • Archivo de sedes web. Isidro Aguillo. CCH-CSIC (School of Science and Humanities- Superior Council of Scientific Research).
    • RECIDA portal workshop. Jesús Tramullas. University of Zaragoza.
      They explained the changes made to the Portal, and after providing the access codes, they also carried out different practices on how to use it: uploading files such as photos, videos, etc. These passwords will be used until mid-June 2010. The centers will have to request their passwords.
    • Presentation of RECIDA's communication plan and report 2009-2010. Montserrat Grabolosa. Natural Park Zona Volcánica of Garrotxa.
      They explained the objectives, strategic lines, and operation of RECIDA in the Communication Plan. And they also presented a timetable containing the activities carried out and those planned for 2010-2011.

    Friday 14th May 2010

    • Dynamisation of the RECIDA portal. Javier Puertas. Europarc Spain 
    • Progress in the group of Electronic Bulletins. Rosa Vela. Infosud
      It agrees to follow the same policy as in the bulletins that each center contributes the news it generates. In principle, the centers make the decisions, so there will be self-regulation.
    • Gestión y administración de proyectos. Aplicación a las bibliotecas, archivos y centros de documentación. José Pino. National Park Sierra Nevada.
    • Presentation of the results extracted from the 85 RECIDA forms completed by the centres. Rosario Toril. CENEAM
    • Metasearch engine. CENEAM will pay the costs of the app, but only the Inicial pack for Centers. Among the institutions that join the project, they should do the annual maintenance. They will also study the technical possibility of Center catalogs and their economic management.
      Several representatives of documentation centers expressed their willingness to join the project: Monfragüe National Park, CIDA (Regional Government from Castilla y León), CEIDA Oleiros, Environmental Education Resource Centre of the Balearic Islands...
      Isidro Aguillo comments that meta-searcher is an essential tool for the network, so they should not miss this opportunity. As a starting point, it agrees that it will prepare an adhesion document.
  • Conclusions

    Until the celebration of the next seminar, they agreed the following tasks:

    RECIDA: General Aspects

    • Elaboration of Policies for the use of photographs, operations, etc.
    • Search for grants and subsidies
    • Report on the social web. Survey and Results of the social web
    • Annual report on RECIDA contributions and commitments
    • Develop a file of resources to share
    • Encourage contacts with Universities. Draft an agreement with Universities and institutions
    • Elaborate on a survey of training needs (Moodle) and the results
    • Remind the completion of the RECIDA form

    RECIDA Portal

    • Locate the locale files for Catalan, Basque and Galician of the latest version of Drupal in order to update the portal with the latest news
    • Elaborate a RECIDA style manual with examples
    • Create the Drupal structure for the RECIDA files-directory
    • Update the website
    • Ask for a password for the portal and practice
    • Collect electronic resources and implement a Directory
    • Improve the display of the Newsletters section
    • Remembering to fill in the newsletter form
    • Design an experience sheet and its completion by the centers
    • Create an information sheet on the meta-search engine

    Next edition of the seminar

    • Reyes Ovelleiro of the Information and Environmental Documentary Center, Regional Government of Castilla y León is making its premises available to host the next Seminar, which will be special because it will be the tenth.

    Topics to treat in the next seminar:

    • The internal organization of RECIDA: Workshops on working procedures of the group itself, consolidation of RECIDA as an association or entity with legal personality
    • Management of information centers. Resource management in centers with few resources
    • Web resources evaluation
    • Catalogs
    • Social tools
    • Internet search methodology (advanced)
    • Internet tools
    • Search engine positioning
    • Evaluation of documentation center services
    • Intellectual property
    • Dynamization of the center. Strategies for communication, dissemination and promotion of documentation center services
    • Geopositioning systems
    • Geographic information systems
    • Free Programming
  • Appendix: Speakers and Assistants


    • Jesús Tramullas. University of Zaragoza. Documentation Department.
    • Isidro Aguillo. CCH-CSIC (School of Science and Humanities- Superior Council of Scientific Research).
    • José Pino. National Park of Sierra Nevada.


    • Aguilar Darias, José. National Park of Garajonay
    • Aguillo Caño, Isidro. CCHS-CSIC (Center for Human and Social Sciences- Superior Council of Scientific Research)
    • Benlloch Tamborero, Víctor. Environmental Education Center from Valencia Community
    • Bolea Marcén, Ascensión. Center for Agrifood Research and Technology of Aragon
    • Borràs Bou, Aina. Species Protection and Environmental Education from Balearic Islands Government
    • Canyelles Isern, Teresa. Collserola Park Consortium
    • Cívico Martín, Rafaela. Library of the University of Huelva
    • Díaz Salas, Elena. CEDREAC (Documentary and Resources Center for Environmental Education of the Government of Cantabria)
    • Escobar Paniagua, Rosa. Documentary Center National Park of Monfragüe
    • González Gómez, Fuensanta. Murcian Institute for Agrarian and Food Research and Development
    • Gordillo Alonso, Ana Elena. National Park Atlantic Islands from Galicia
    • Fernández Izard, Mabel. National Educational Environmental Center (CENEAM)
    • González de la Peña, Mª del Mar. Library of the Faculty of Agrarian and Environmental Science. University of Salamanca
    • Grabolosa Sellabona, Montserrat. Natural Park from Zona Volcánica of Garrotxa. Generalitat of Catalonia
    • Iriarte Ollo, Jorge. Environmental Resources Center from Navarra
    • Martín Padrón, Araceli. National Park of Teide
    • Melero Bellmunt, Josep. Barcelona Council
    • Miralles Cassina, Marta. Documentary Center from Park Montnegre i el Corredor
    • Monteiro Robles, Yolanda. Environmental Documents Service. Catalan Society of Environmental Education / Barcelona City Council
    • Moral Fernández del Rincón, Alejandro. Interpretation and Documentation Center of Water and Wetlands of La Mancha. Daimiel City Council
    • Morato Pérez, Elena. State Meteorological Agency
    • Moratonas Hernández, Marta. Generalitat of Catalonia. Environment and Habitat Department
    • Moreno Fernández, Olga María. Council of Andalusia, Counsil of Andalusia. Environment Ministry, Life+ ecoedition Technical Office
    • Morillo Moreno, José Carlos. Library of the University of Huelva
    • Muyo Redondo, Blanca. CIEDA (International Center of Studies of Environmental Rights), CIEMAT (Center of Energy, Environment and Technology Investigation)
    • Neira García, Natalia. Documentary Center Domingo Quiroga (CEIDA- Oleiros)
    • Núñez López, Laura. International Center for Ecological and Environmental Studies and Conventions(CIECEM)
    • Ovelleiro Valdespino, Reyes. Information and Environmental Documentary Center, Regional Goverment from Castilla y León
    • Pardo Cereijo, Ana Belén. Documentary Center Domingo Quiroga (CEIDA- Oleiros)
    • Pino Díaz, José. National Park Sierra Nevada
    • Prieto Vicente, Jacinto. Centre for Didactic-Environmental Education and Research (Ingurugela-CEIDA-Bilbao)
    • Primo Peña, Elena. Health Institute Carlos III
    • Puertas Blázquez, Javier. Europarc Spain
    • Sosa Ruiz, Félix. International Center for Ecological and Environmental Studies and Conventions (CIECEM)
    • Toril Moreno, Rosario. National Educational Environmental Center (CENEAM)
    • Tramullas, Jesús. University of Zaragoza. Documentation Department
    • Vela Casero, Rosa María. InfoSud, Documentary Center Patronat Sud-Nord. University of Valencia
    • Vicente i Canillas, Jordi. National Park d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici

    If you need more information about this seminar, please contact with the Documentary Center from CENEAM, using the following email: doc1.ceneam@oapn.es

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