Garajonay: Valores naturales - Flora

The flora in the Park, although it is not exceptionally diverse, due to the fact that it is part of an island ecosystem and the fact that the park is all at a single bio-climatic layer, does present an extraordinary unique factor due to the great wealth of endemic species, probably the greatest in the State Network of Parks in the case of vascular plants, which amount to some 250 endemic species, including the Gomeran, Canarian and Macaronesian endemisms.

The cryptogamic flora does not present values of endemicity that are as notable as those for vascular flora.

Nevertheless, the high number of bryophytes present in such a small area and the scientific recognition of the importance of the laurisilva ecosystem for the conservation of this floral group, which is considered the most important among the habitants of the European Union for the conservation of bryophytes, are outstanding.

In the following table, the wealth of the flora of the Park is portrayed with the number of its threatened endemisms and species in the different groups of flora.

  • EG: Gomeran endemisms
  • EC: Canarian endemisms
  • EM: Macaronesian endemisms
  • E: In danger of extinction
  • S: Sensitive to changes of its habitat.
  • V: Vulnerable
  • IE: Of special interest
Wealth of flora in the Garajonay National Park
Vascular flora 476 34 94 69 5 12 2 2
Fungus 661 8 10 1        
Bryophytes 242   1 8        
Lichens 505 8 17          
Total 1.884 50 122 78 5 12 2 2

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