In 2021, the Reading Clubs activity began in RECIDA (Network of Environmental Information and Documentation Centers), which aims to bring green readings with environmental content closer to citizens.
By sharing resources and experiences we want to encourage the launching of reading clubs, both in the RECIDA centers and in any other entity that wants to use our green readings. With this objective, a Working Group has been formed that meets in person and virtually at the Network's annual seminars.
The batches of books are provided by centers that are part of RECIDA. The lots are located in CENEAM, which is responsible for sending them to the requesting centers. So far the centers that have helped this fund are: CENEAM, CEIDA-Galicia, Centro de documentación del Agua y el Medio Ambiente de Zaragoza (CDAMAZ) / Water and Environment Documentation Center of Zaragoza, Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona / Museum of Natural Sciences of Barcelona, Biblioteca Pública Municipal Francisco Gómez Porro de Villarrubia de los Ojos / Francisco Gómez Porro de Villarrubia Municipal Public Library, Biblioteca del Somontano de Barbastro / Library of Somontano de Barbastro.
This activity is framed in the Plan de Acción de Educación Ambiental para la Sostenibilidad (PAEAS) / Environmental Education Action Plan for Sustainability (PAEAS).
Centro de Documentación del Agua y el Medio Ambiente (CDAMAZ)
Centro de Documentación Domingo Quiroga. CEIDA-Galicia
La Tejonera. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid
Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
“Francisco Gómez Porro”. Villarrubia de los Ojos
Eco-Consciente UCJC y Palabras Recicladas UCJC. Universidad Camilo José Cela