XXII Seminar of Environmental Documentation Centers and Protected Natural Areas


Naturgune Babestu Eta Ingurumeneko Dokumentazio-Zentroen XXII Minitegia
XXII Seminario de Centros de Documentación Ambiental e Espazos Naturais Protexidos
XXII Seminari de Centres de Documentació Ambiental i d´Espais Naturals Protegits

Place and dates

26-28 of June 2023, Umbralejo (Guadalajara) and virtual


Rosario Toril. CENEAM Documentation Center

José Velasco. PRUEPA. CENEAM

David Mercadal. CIEDA-CIEMAT



This year we have held the event for the first time in the educational village of Umbralejo (Guadalajara), thanks to the coordinator’s great implication and his support team. Thus, we wanted to visualize the great educational work that’s been done in this rural environment and also make known its landscapes and culture. Other organisers from other editions of the seminars and the RECIDA’s Advisory Committee have collaborated in the organization.

We have continued with the other edition’s hybrid format, reuniting 34 in-person registrations and 58 online, heads of information and documentation centres, libraries, experts and university professors from 15 Spanish autonomous communities and the international connection of the National University of Costa Rica.

Just like past years, during the seminar the participants were offered publications donated by various centres and by the Town Council of La Huerce, which gave us a book explaining the area. We also had Soria Natural’s collaboration for the breaks.

Development of the seminar

Monday 26th of June 2023

We were welcomed by Francisco Lorenzo Benito, Mayor of La Huerce and Ángel Fernández Montes, Provincial Delegate of Guadalajara of the Department of Education, Culture and Sport. Then a round of presentation allowed that the new participants met the rest of the group. 

To put ourselves in the context we were in, José Velasco explained to us the Programa de Recuperación y Utilización Educativa de Pueblos Abandonados (PRUEPA). We visited their facilities and how they used them for different activities. 

Following, Rosario Toril commented on what was done in the Plan de Acción 2022-2023 of RECIDA and the new projects and development of the existing in the Environment Section, Sustainability and Libraries (ENSULIB, Spanish acronym) of IFLA, encouraging the participants to participate in them.

Elena Primo, in the absence of Isidro Aguillo, explained the Valsaín Declaration y how there is certain aspects that need modifying to be able to be published.

From the Associação Portuguesa de Educação Ambiental (ASPEA), (ASPEA), they showed us their projects and Ana Pardo of CEIDA-Galicia and Rosario Toril shared about their experiences in the XIX Jornadas Pedagógicas de Educação Ambiental, held in Manteigas,  14-16th of april 2023 in  which  they attended representing the RECIDA network.

The afternoon ended with the presentations, moderated by Teresa Antolín:

The CITA library, created in 1964 with funds destined for horticulture and zootechnics courses, provides, in addition to the typical services of a specialized library of a research center (management of specialized documentation and support for research activity), other types of wider support services.

Un ejemplo de esos servicios ha sido formar parte del equipo que puso en marcha un sistema de conocimiento e Innovación agrícola (AKIs en inglés) denominado RICA (Red de Intercambio de Conocimiento Agroalimentario). RICA es una herramienta interactiva que pretende dar respuesta a la necesidad de intercambio de información y conocimiento técnico del sector agroalimentario aragonés. Las funciones de la biblioteca en RICA han sido la vigilancia informativa y documental del sector agroalimentario en Aragón y España y la posterior localización de documentación relevante y de expertos que den respuesta a solicitudes de información y de temas de interés el sector.

Brief presentation of the entity (what it is and what its competences are) and of its library (volume and background in which it specializes). The metropolitan area of Barcelona (onwards AMB, acronym in Spanish) has competence in environmental matters: waste management, energy, climate change and environmental education, among others. The services responsible for performing these competences carry out activities and issue publications. The library, apart from taking responsibility for conserving its own collection, it incorporates new knowledge in different formats. All of this constitutes the AMB’s entire environmental collection.

We finish off the  day with Josep Melero’s (Diputació de Barcelona) presentation, form the poster Digue’m papallona = Dime mariposa: una propuesta transversal en la difusión de un espacio natural protegido. (Tell me butterfly: a  transversal proposal in the dissemination of a protected natural area).

Tuesday 27th of June 2023

We started the morning with a lecture about “Artificial intelligence and documentary scientific communication: approaches from ChatGPT” given by Carlos Lopezosa y Mario Pérez-Montoro from the University of Barcelona. This burning issue led to a debate about how it will affect our profession: concerns, opportunities and risks moderated y Mario Pérez-Montoro.

Then, we addressed a much needed topic today: Buenas prácticas en redes sociales: el caso RECIDA. (Good practices in social media: the RECIDA case). Carina Rey y Dolors Soriano from the University of Barcelona analysed our network and helped with guidelines to manage better.

Marga Muñoz then moderated the second group of papers:

The sources of information are the basis for scientific research and dissemination.  It’s important to know the existing sources to be able to consult them and satisfy the user’s needs, especially in the legal environment, in which the information must come from official sources. Here are collected several regulatory and doctrinal sources organised in 5 sections: database, newsletters, magazines, webs and blogs and institutions. Most of them are open access and from public bodies, although there are also private initiatives.

Concern for sustainability in the library field is not a recent debate, however, the interest has increased in recent years, especially since the UN launched the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. But there is no clear awareness about the need to understand sustainability as a cross-cutting concept, which should be applied in all of the library’s departments and activities. To make this happen, further training and awareness on sustainability is needed, aimed at librarians and the public. Thus, sustainability will become a priority that should be included in a meaningful way in strategic planning, making it easier to implement all organisational and practical aspects of the library. The opinion on this subject expressed by IFLA and the number of publications it makes available to us should be taken into account. Among them areLas bibliotecas pueden promover la implementación de la Agenda 2030 de la ONU  (Libraries can promote the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda) and Acceso y oportunidades para todos: Cómo contribuyen las bibliotecas a la Agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas(Access and opportunities for all: how libraries contribute to the United Nations 2030 Agenda).

Project of the CENEAM Library in collaboration with the Educational Community of Valsaín, Segovia, which this year has focused on three activities, involved in the SDGs: Literary Ecomenu; Bookworm. Research workshop, fake news, intellectual property; Life colors. Learn how to use the field guides and recognize some of the plant species in   pur environment, accompanied by a field trip.

The Chlorophyll Book Club is part of the reading promotion and revitalisation activities that the Domingo Quiroga Environmental Documentation Centre (CEIDA) launched in 2023. Its aim is to explore nature through literature, to publicise works of an environmental nature, and to promote the collective reflection and dialogue among citizens. A call to action through reading, bringing to the table environmental issues that affect us all. This presentation collects the balance of such activity in its first year.

The research projects with citizen involvement, through the experience of the Collserola Natural Park, from its beginnings in the 1980s, to the present day with the boost of mobile devices. Aspects to take into account to ensure optimal results for the management of protected areas.

Virginia Anta from Asociación La IAIA then delighted us with a beautiful demonstration of the wool process and explained projects they are carrying out.

In the afternoon, Ana Ordás, Consultant for innovation projects in public and specialised  libraries, presented: Explorando la naturaleza en tu biblioteca a través de los juegos, (Exploring nature in your library trough games), offering a wide range of environmental and nature games.

José Velasco (OAPN-CENEAM) y Carlos Rubio (CENEAM. Pebetero) made us the Tainas Route to learn and enjoy the landscape.

Then it was the moment to work in groups:

  • Green Book Clubs. Coordinated: Marga Muñoz. CDAMAZ
  • Social media: Coordinated: Marta Carracedo. CITA
  • Sustainability and SDGs. Coordinated: Chelo Pons

Later we had time to hold the Ordinary Board Meeting of the RECIDA Association.

During the traditional regional Dinner, we exchanged books and through a puzzle created by Josep Melero that formed the RECIDO logo, we read between the participants two pems: “Esta es mi casa” (This is my house) by Mario Benedetti and “Aquella tarde, al decirle” (That afternoon, as I said to her) by Juan Ramón Jiménez.

Wednesday 28th of June 2023

At the start we worked on the Action Plan 2023-2024 and the conclusions of the Working Groups were presented.

Poster presentation. Heritage, Ecomuseum and environmental education. Mercedes Barreno. Consultant.

Now, the last Comunications group, moderated by Ana Pardo from CEIDA-Galicia:

Before we said goodbye, the evaluation was prepared in an online form.